One of the greatest lessons I have learned from them is to find peace in just being, not doing anything. They absolutely hold the key to my heart! I love them.
The world is so beautiful I don't have words. HOW was it created? How was the beautiful human body designed? It works without us thinking about it. What elements made my cat? How was she assembled? Her heartbeat, her fur, her love? The blood rushing through her veins? The perfection of it all. All I feel is pure natural awe. It's an honor to exist!
And one day, you will wake up and it will all make sense. You will feel gratitude for the challenges and obstacles that made you the person you became. You will look around at your spouse, your family, your home, and in the mirror, and your heart will be full. You will be glad you did not give up. All the time you spent doubting will feel like it occurred in another lifetime. You will travel, entertain at your beautiful home, and love more than you could ever have imagined. Your heart will be full. Joy, love, and light will emanate from you. And that is the moment you will know that it was all worth the wait. You fought for it for so many years. And so it became yours.